Claus Witt

Writing a Progress Bar Overlay Shader

Some of our customers in Fliva want to show a simple progress bar inside their video. You see this a lot nowadays in social media videos, where the progress of...

Writing a Hubot Adapter for Bitrix

Back in the day, we installed hubot on our Hipchat developer chat. When hipchat got sold to Atlassian we jumped ship and chose Slack instead. Years later the company chose...

Corona Beats from Last Year

Last year I spent some time one afternoon making a short corona-beat. I never really shared it... Now it's here...

SoundCloud · Corona Beatz #1

Decoding Video Frames with ffmpeg/libav

Opening the file

AVFormatContext *formatContext;

if (avformat_open_input(&formatContext, "path/to/file.ext", nullptr, nullptr) != 0) exit(1); // Couldn't...

Install Datadog in Kubernetes

First of all, we use helm. So we start here:

Add the repository

helm repo add datadog
helm repo add stable


Just Create a Relation

I recently read You might as well timestamp it and today I came across an equal truism

Just create a relation.

Many a time have i seen tables of a given object...

Basic Breakout Game with Raylib

I have always wanted to write games. Back in the day that was the whole idea why I wanted to be a programmer. And I have worked myself into a...

Know your assumptions, and test them

In my day to day I very often stumble upon yet another issue in one of our software systems that needs fixing. And most often, the issue is rather apparent...

Much more than ten albums that shaped my taste in music

My wife began this challenge on Facebook. Each day post an image of an album cover of music that shaped your taste in music... The rules states that you should...

A ring buffer for audio samples

At Fliva we work with audio (we have a c++ library that essentially works as a audio sequencer), video (we have a rendering engine which basically works as a scriptable...